Saturday, September 13, 2008

An Open Letter to Rev. Sir. Franklin Graham

To all my prospective and potential readers, especially the Christians who truly love Jesus and also believe their Holy Bible as the ‘Book of God’.

Much Respected Reverend Sir Franklin Graham,

Before I begin, let me first admit honestly that the following article which I wrote under the conclusive title of ‘None, But God’ is meant only for the believers meaning those who believe in God and in their life Hereafter.

Sir, I know very well that you are one of the outstanding pillars of the modern Christian world and I am but a very ordinary Muslim. Yet, I dared writing to you this open letter on a subject which you expected the least specially from a Muslim. But I think, it will sound familiar to you if I now disclose that I wrote it to you in reply to one of your comments that you once made openly saying, ‘The Muslims worship different God from the Christians’.

The reason behind making this letter open to all
Because, as a Muslim, I found your comment quite true if I look at it from the perspective of your faith concerning God or the way you worship Him.
But it were totally wrong as well as misleading if we go by what you really intend to mean or imply by this. You find me writing to you about it because I have every reason to believe that you made that comment to mean something quite different. And on the basis of that understanding, I wanted you know that 'it were not us-the Muslims, but it were you- the Christians who worship different God.’

In chapter one, I explained it in details what inspires or instigates me coming up with that kind of comment or claim and make it open to all in public.

With proof and evidence

I have tried to justify my claim in the light of your Holy Bible including both its’ Old and the New parts. But in the relevant matters or in case of reference I also took help of our Holy Book- The Quran and other books related to the topic of our discussion.

To all my readers especially the Christians

Here at this point, I also like to mention that though I wrote it mainly for my Christian friends, I think, all open-minded, truth-seeking and God- fearing persons of all religions, may find the issue on our worshipping different God, really interesting and worth-reading.

Join me freely with your opinion and insight

Through this open letter to you, Sir, I welcome all to join me freely with their opinion and insight so that we all have a much better and clearer view of our God from the perspective of each other’s faith. And after that reaching to a definite conclusion is absolutely yours own.

At the same time Sir, I also request you most humbly to correct me if you find me wrong or confused in regard to my claim that I made on your worshipping different God from ours.
Wishing you all the best.
Dil Banu