Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Letter 4: Muhammad Was Sent after Jesus, Reviving And Restoring Abraham’s Faith, in Islam

Muhammad Was Sent after Jesus, Reviving And Restoring Abraham’s Faith, in Islam

Say (O Muhammad): we believe in God and in what has been revealed to us, and what was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants; and what was given to Moses, Jesus and other prophets from their Lord; We make no distinction between one another among them, and to God we do submit [in Islam].
—Holy Quran 3:84

Reverend Franklin Graham:

You obviously have noticed from my last two letters that God’s guidance for mankind, which He revealed through all His messengers, including Jesus and Muhammad, had one thing in common. It is called Tawhid in Arabic, the meaning of which is pure and pristine monotheism, where God is claimed to be One and Only, and none has the right to be worshipped except Him. It is also called ‘Islamic monotheism’ since Muhammad- the last Prophet of God was sent reviving and restoring Abraham’s faith in Islam.

          According to Merriam-Webster’s Encyclopedia of World Religions (page 747), Islamic monotheism is more literal and uncompromising than that of any other religion. Allah is confessed as being one, eternal, unbegotten, unequaled, and beyond partnership of any kind.

God chose the name “Islam” and “Muslim”

The Quran tells us God has chosen the name “Islam” for His religion and “Muslim” for its adherents.(2:130–132; 5:3; 22:78). Both names have originated from salaam in Arabic, which ordinarily means peace or submission for Islam, and calm or submissive for Muslim. But in a broader sense, Islam means a complete surrender or resignation to the will and the command of God. And, Muslim refers to a person who submits himself completely to God, while striving for His cause and seeking for His pleasure. (3:19- 20, 83–85).

In that sense, all the messengers of God and their true followers were Muslims, and the faith they preached and practiced was Islam, maybe in different name. In my last two letters, I have provided plenty of clear evidence from both our Holy Scriptures-the Quran and the Bible in support of that. We will know about it more as we proceed.

God’s guidance to Adam before he was sent to earth

From the description of the Bible and the Quran, we came to know that God made this earth a dwelling place as well as a testing ground for men. He gave them a short and uncertain life along with a reflective mind and freedom of will to choose His path that He showed to them through their respective messengers, or to reject it by the instigation of the Satan.  In my last letter, I’ve described from both parts of the Holy Bible of what God revealed to all His prophets for the guidance of their people. In this letter, I’d like to mention of what God said in the Quran through His last Prophet Muhammad reminding the teaching of his predecessors.

Let us begin first with Adam, whom God made in heaven and then sent to earth as His first vicegerent, along with his wife Eve, and the Satan, who made them eat the forbidden fruit by disobeying the command of God. The story of Adam and Eve has been told and retold in many places of the Quran, where we have learnt God forgave them both when they repented for their sin and also asked for His mercy and forgiveness  before they were sent to earth along with Satan as their open enemy. We also have learnt that while sending them to earth, God said to them clearly:
          Get down from here all of you. Henceforth, there shall come to you guidance from Me, those who accept and follow it, shall have nothing to fear or to regret. But those who reject and defy Our revelation, will be inmates of hellfire, wherein they shall live forever. (Quran 2:38–39)

              The Quran also tells us the bottom line of the guidance that God revealed to Adam-the father of the mankind has remained the same in the teaching of all His prophets including both Jesus and Muhammad.  We shall begin with Noah and other prophets of God who were sent before Muhammad for the guidance of their people.
Noah and other prophets of God as reported in the Quran

           We sent Noah to his people, who said, O my people, worship Allah! You have no other god but Him. I fear for you the punishment of a dreadful day! (7:59)

            Elias was surely one of our Messengers. Behold, he said to his people: Have you no fear of Allah? Would you invoke Bal, (the name of their invented god) and forsake the best of the Creators-Allah Who is your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers?” (37:123–126)

To the people of Ad We sent their brother Hud. He said: O my people! Worship Allah, You have no other god but Him. You are not but inventors (of falsehood). (11:50)

To the tribe of Thamud, We sent their brother Salih, He said, O my people! Worship Allah: You have no other god but Him. It is He Who created you from the earth and made it a dwelling place for you. So, seek forgiveness from Him and turn to Him in repentance. Surely, my Lord is very close and ready to answer. (11:61)

To the people of Median We sent their brother Shu’aib who said, O my people! Worship Allah, and look forward to the Last Day, and do not transgress in the land wickedly.  (29:36)

Abraham’s faith has been reinstated in Islam through Muhammad

           In the Quran, Abraham is frequently addressed as Hanif, meaning the upright and the upholder of true monotheism. Though he was born in a pagan society, where everyone around him was an idol worshipper, he did not fail to recognize the existence of one true eternal God, His unparalleled glory, greatness, wisdom and absolute authority over everything in the heavens and earth. After this realization, nothing not even the hostility of the pagan leaders including his own arrogant father could prevent him from confessing the truth about God openly to them. We can still feel the strength and the spirit of Abraham’s unquestioning  faith in the absolute oneness and authority of God, as he stood all alone against his hostile opponents, confessing loud and clear:
Verily, I have turned my face, being upright to Him, Who has created the heavens and the earth and I am not of the Mushriks. (6:79)

          When his people started arguing with him, he [Abraham] said to them: Will you argue with me about Allah when He has guided me Himself? I do not fear those whom you worship in association with Allah. Nothing can happen to me unless it is so willed by my Lord. The knowledge of my Lord encompasses all things. Will you not then admonish yourself? (6:80)

Who would forsake the faith of Abraham except him who befools himself? Verily, We chose him in this world, and he will be among the righteous in the Hereafter. (2:130)

Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian but was a Muslim [submitted himself to the will and the command of God], true in faith. He was not one of them who set up partners with God. Surely, those of mankind who have the best claim to Abraham are those who follow him, (in submission to God) and this Prophet [Muhammad] and those who believe with him… (3:67-68)

            Say [O Muhammad]: As for me, surely my Lord has guided me to a Straight Path, a Right Religion, the faith of Abraham, the upright and he was not of them who were the idolaters.
Say: Surely my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are all for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. (6:161–162)
    Reverend, I think, the message of the verses I’ve quoted above is clear and conclusive. And I also hope, no more explanation is required to understand who among the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims have the best claim on Abraham as their Patriarch or as the inheritors of his faith.  We shall know about it more as we proceed. 

Abraham’s descendants also followed his legacy

This was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons. And so did Jacob, when he said: O my sons! God has chosen for you this Deen, therefore, die not unless you are Muslims. (2:132)

          [To Muhammad] Were you present when death approached Jacob? He asked his sons: Who will you worship after me? They replied: We will worship the same One God Who is your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, and to Him we have surrendered [as Muslims]. (2:133)

 We gave him [Abraham] Isaac and Jacob and guided them all as we guided Noah before them, and among his descendants were David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses and Aaron; thus We reward those who do good to others.
 Other descendants include Zechariah, John, Jesus, and Elias; all of them were righteous; and Ishmael, Elisha, Jonah and Lot. We exalted each of them over the mankind.
 And we exalted some of their forefathers, their children and their brothers. We chose them for Our service and guided them to the Right Path. (6:85–87)

Joseph- great-grandson of Abraham also spoke of One God

[Joseph says to the fellow-prisoners,] I follow the ways of my fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; and never could we attribute any partners to Allah: that (comes) of the grace of Allah to us and to mankind: yet most men are not grateful.
 O my two companions of the prison! Are many lords differing among themselves better or Allah the One and Irresistible?
 If it were not Him, you worship nothing but names which you have named or your fathers for which Allah has sent you no authority: the Command is for none but Allah: He has commanded that you worship none but Him: that is the right religion but most men understand not. (12:38–40)

Moses was sent to proclaim the worship of none but One God

In the following verses of the Quran, we shall check what the Almighty God conveyed to the people through His other messengers whom He sent later from the tribes of Abraham.  Let’s start with Moses, a mighty messenger and one of the pillars of the Judeo-Christian faith.

[To Moses] I have chosen thee: listen then to the inspiration sent to thee.
Verily, I am Allah: there is no god but I. So serve only Me and establish regular prayer for my remembrance.
The final Hour is sure to come. But I will keep it hidden, so that every soul may be rewarded according to its efforts. (20:13–14)
          We gave Moses the Book [Torah] and made it a guide to the children of Israel commanding: Take not other than Me as Disposer of your affairs. (17:2)
         Then he [Moses] addressed his people saying, O my people! Your only God is Allah. There is no other god besides Him. His knowledge encompasses everything. (20:97)
        Certainly, We granted to Moses and Aaron the Criterion of right and wrong, a light and a reminder for those people who are righteous. (21:48)

David was a self-surrendered servant of One True God        

             There are many verses in the Quran where Muhammad is reminded of David’s unconditional love and longing for God and also of his complete surrender to Him for His Cause and Pleasure.

Bear, O Prophet! with what they (who rejected Muhammad’s call to Islam) say and remember Our servant David, the man of strength. Verily, he was ever turning in repentance towards Allah.
         We made the mountains to join him in Our praises at evening and the sunrise.
       And the birds, too, join him in flocks to sing with him.
      We strengthened his kingdom and gave him wisdom and sound judgment. (38:17-20)

Solomon followed the footsteps of his father

We gave [in the past] knowledge to David and Solomon: and they both said: Praise be to Allah Who has favored us above many of His servants who believe. (27:15)
        He [Solomon] said: O my Lord! Forgive me and grant me a kingdom similar of which does not belong to any one after me. Surely, you are the Giver [without any measure]
        So, We subjected to him the wind which blew gently to whichever direction he wanted. (38:35–36)

The contents of the above-quoted verses, tell us clearly that David and his son Solomon also worshipped the same One God of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses and other prophets of God who were sent before them for the guidance of their people.
And so did Jesus, the son of Mary.

Jesus also arrived proclaiming the worship of none but One God

Reverend, for a number of good reasons, the Quran gives an extra coverage on Mary and especially her son, Jesus, including his miraculous birth, miracles he showed, his death on the cross, his ascent to heaven, his Second Coming, and above all, what he taught to his people in the name of God and what his people followed in his name after he left. But I intend to quote here only a few of them that tells us Jesus, son of Mary, another indispensable name related to the Judeo-Christian faith, also arrived proclaiming  the worship of none but One True God. 

Then, in the footsteps of those prophets, We sent Jesus, the son of Mary, confirming the Law [Torah] that had come before him: And We sent him the Gospel where there was guidance and light and confirmation of the Torah which was sent before him; a guidance and admonition to those who fear Allah. (5:46) [ref: Matthew 5:17-19]

       Surely, they have disbelieved who say: God is the Messiah [Jesus] son of Mary. While Christ said himself, O children of Israel! Worship God, My Lord and your Lord.  (5:72)

          It is not possible for any human being to whom God has given Book, the wisdom and the prophet hood that he would say to the people: worship me instead of God. On the contrary [he would say], be you devoted worshippers of your Almighty God in accordance with your Book that you have been teaching and reading. (3:79)
[ref: Mark 12:29-30; Matthew 4:10; 19:16-17)

Muhammad succeeded Jesus confirming the eternal truth of the First Commandment

Reverend, there are many oft-repeated verses in the Quran where we have been told clearly that Muhammad- the last messenger of God succeeded Jesus confirming the eternal truth of the First Commandment.  I have quoted below a few of them from different parts of the Quran to justify my claim.

O Muhammad! We have sent revelations to you just as We sent to Noah, and the Prophets who came after him; We also sent revelations to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, his descendants, Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron and Solomon, and to David We gave the Psalms.   
Revelations were also sent to those Messengers whom We have mentioned to you and to those whose names We have not mentioned; To Moses Allah spoke directly. (4:163–164)

[To Muhammad] Say: O mankind! Verily, I am sent to you all as the messenger of God to whom belongs the kingdom of heavens and the earth. There is no deity but Him. It is He Who gives life and causes death. So, believe in God and His messenger, the unlettered prophet [Muhammad] who believes in God and in His words [what He revealed in the Quran, the Torah and the Gospel]. And follow him so that you may be rightly guided. (7:158)

The Messengers Were Many but the Message Was One

            Reverend, the verses I have quoted so far from our Holy Scriptures, the Bible and the Quran, tell us clearly the Messengers of God were many but the Message He revealed through them for the guidance of their people, was one and the same regardless to their time and place, as the whiteness of milk has always remained the same everywhere irrespective of the color or the type of cows. It is, as I mentioned before, called Tawhid, the true meaning of which is “Islamic monotheism,” since the pure and pristine monotheism of Abraham’s faith has been reinstated in Islam through Muhammad-the last Prophet of God.      

Man’s deviation from the path of God

 At this point, any sensible and open-minded person might ask in wonder, how could men deviate from that plain, simple, and straight path of God after it was taught by all His messengers, so clearly, categorically, and consistently, right from the beginning? Should not they have followed the same trodden path of all His Messengers to return to Him instead of following so many paths which are not only different from one another but sometimes are completely reverse from others?
The Quran has an answer for that. The following verses of the Quran show how the people deviated gradually from one designated path of God to so many different or invented paths of men.

Mankind was one community and Allah sent Prophets with glad tidings and warnings, and with them He sent the Scripture with the truth to settle the matters in between them where they differed. And the very people to whom it [the Book] was given, started disputes because of rivalry in between one another after the clear proofs had come unto them. (2:213)

       Surely, the true religion in the sight of Allah is Islam [meaning submission to His will and command]. Those who received the Scripture before differed through envy of each other, only after true knowledge had come to them … … (3:19)

 Verily this brotherhood of yours is a single brotherhood and I am your only God, therefore worship Me Alone. But the people have divided their religion into sects in between them-to Us they shall all return. (21:92–93)

There are also numerous verses in the Quran in which people’s ego, arrogance, ignorance, ingratitude, obliviousness, pride, prejudice and above all, their love for the material world and heedlessness have been blamed for their deviating from the plain, simple, and straight path of God. Out of many, I have quoted below a few of them.

[To Muhammad]Ask them: Who provides your sustenance from the heaven and from the earth? Who has control over hearing and sight? Who brings forth the living from the dead and the dead from the living? They will soon reply Allah/God. Say: Why do you not then fear Him for your going against the truth?(10:31)

If you ask them Who has created the heavens and the earth? They will certainly say: Allah/God. Say: Praise be to Allah! But the fact is most of them do not use their common sense to understand. (31:25)

         It is He Who gives life and causes you die, and in His control is the alternation of the night and day: then why don’t you understand? (23:80)

      The fact is that most of them follow nothing but mere conjecture and conjecture is no way a substitute for the truth. Surely Allah/God  is well aware of what they do. (10:36)
 … …
      Those are the ones who have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, they have ears with which they do not hear. They are like animals even worse than them, because they are those who are heedless. (7:179)

Muhammad was sent as the last Reminder and the warner for all of mankind
           In many places of the Quran, we have been told Muhammad was sent as the last reminder and the warner for all of mankind. It is through him, God reminded them of His glad tidings that He promised to them in return to their having faith in Him and for keeping His commands. And, it is through him, God also reminded them of the fatal consequences that they might face for their disbelief in Him and for defying His commands. I have quoted below a few of them in support of that.

We have revealed the Quran in Truth, and with the Truth it has come down: and We have sent you [Muhammad] as a bearer of glad tidings [to the believers] and as a warner [to the unbelievers]. (17:105)

We have sent you only as a bearer of good news and a warner. Say: I ask of you no recompense for this work except that he who wants, may choose the Right Way to His Lord. (25:56–57)

        ** [O Muhammad!] I am but a plain warner; And there is no divinity except Allah, the One, the Irresistible, the Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that lies in between them, the Almighty, the Forgiver. Say: This is a supreme message: yet you pay no heed to it. (38:65–68).

.    ** [To Muhammad] Say to them [who ascribes partnership to God]: O ignorant! Do you bid me worship someone other than Allah? And verily, it has been revealed to you which had already been revealed to them before you that if you ascribe a partner to Allah, all your deeds will go in vain and you will surely be among the losers. (39:64–65)
        O Muhammad, tell them: I am but a human being like you; the revelation is sent to me to declare that your God is One God; therefore, whoever hopes to meet his Lord, let him do good deeds and join no partner in the worship of his Lord.(Quran 18:110)
       O Prophet, ask them: Have you ever considered if this Quran is really from Allah and you deny it, who can be more astray than you who have gone too far defying Him. (41:52)

The eternal truth in the guidance of God never changed
         Reverend, by this time I have provided countless evidence from both Bible and the Quran to prove Muhammad was neither an imposter nor an inventor of a new faith or cult, as most of your people think of him, unknowingly. Rather, he was also sent with the same eternal truth in the guidance of God about which the Bible has said:
      The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand forever.(Isaiah 40:8)
         And, the Quran says: This has always been our Ways with the apostles who we sent before you. (Muhammad) You will find no change in our Ways. (17:77)
           Last of all, I’d like to mention that with the help of those unchanged and eternal words in both Bible and Quran, I have undoubtedly proved that Muslims never worshipped any ‘different god’ from the God of the Judeo-Christian Faith, as you have claimed. Rather, they always have worshipped and still worship the same One God of all His messengers including both Jesus and Muhammad. In that sense, I have completed my arguments, and I should have stopped here thanking you most gratefully for giving me a chance to let your people know that God of Muhammad is not different from the God of Jesus, Moses or Abraham.

              But I could not, because while reading our Holy Scriptures-the Bible and the Quran both, I felt amazed to know that it is not the Muslims, it is in fact, the Christians who worship ‘a different god’ from the God of the Judeo-Christian Faith. They do so by making Jesus an object of worship along with One True God or as one the Gods in the Trinity.  I think, it is a colossal deviation from the eternal truth of the First Commandment that Jesus preached and practiced himself all through his life following the footsteps of all his predecessors.
              Reverend, it is absolutely for the sake of truth, I feel myself obliged to share this message with you and also with my other prospective readers- especially the Christians. I hope, you will give me a chance to correct my mistake, if you find me misquote or misinterpret anything from the Bible, the Quran or any other book that I used for information or reference to justify my claim.    

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