Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Summary of the Contents

Letter1.  The God of Judeo-Christian Faith vs. The God of Islam

·       Is “the God of Islam” different from “the God of the Judeo-Christian faith,” as the Rev. Franklin Graham intended to mean?
·       Is Allah different from God? Why do the Muslims call God Allah?

Letter2.  The Holy Quran Says: “God is One and Only”

·       What has God said about Himself  in the Holy Quran, through His last Prophet Muhammad?
·       Why could no one in the entire heavens and earth be equal to God or worthy of worship besides Him?

Letter3.  Both Parts of the Holy Bible Proclaim: “God is One and Only”

·       What has God declared about Himself in the Old Testament through all His prophets before the arrival of Jesus?
·       Did Jesus say anything about God or His guidance that was new or different from the teaching of all his predecessors or his successor Muhammad?

Letter4. Muhammad Was Sent after Jesus Reviving Abraham’s Faith, in Islam    

·       Did Muhammad ever ask his people to worship a different god from the God of Jesus, Moses, Abraham, or any of his predecessors who were sent before him?
·       What is Islamic monotheism? Why is it believed to be an eternal truth in the guidance of God being preached and practiced by all His messengers, including both Jesus and Muhammad?
·       Who among the Jews, the Christians, and the Muslims can truly claim Abraham as their patriarch?

Letter5.  Jesus’ Comforter was Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam

·       Whom did Jesus really mean to be his Comforter? Was he Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, or the Holy Ghost?
·       Why can Jesus’ Comforter be no one else other than his successor Muhammad?

Letter6. True Meaning and Implication of the Name “Christ” and “Word”

·       Why are there so many myths and misconceptions about the name “Christ?” What has the Holy Bible and the Quran said about it?
·       Why Jesus was called the “Word of God” in the Bible and the Quran both? Did God really appear in the form of Jesus?
·       What does Grolier’s Encyclopedia say on Jesus’ incarnation?

Letter7. Jesus Declared Himself A Prophet of God in the Gospel and also in the Quran 

·       Who was Jesus and why he was sent for?  What did our Holy Scriptures- the Gospel and the Quran, really say about him?
·       What did the Anglican bishops in England say about Jesus in their survey in 1984?

Letter8.  “Son of God” vs. “Son of man”

·       Why did Jesus call God his Father and himself His Son?
·       By calling himself the Son of God, did Jesus really mean he was truly begotten by God, as his followers claim?
·       What did the people of Jesus’ time really mean by the phrases “Son of God” and “Son of man”?
·       What has the Quran said about Jesus’ followers’ claiming him as the Son of God?

Letter9.  Trinity Was Invented after Jesus left, He Never Taught It

·       Did Jesus ever teach his people the doctrine of the Trinity or ask them to worship one God in the union of three or three Gods as one and the same?
·       How did Jesus’ true followers react when the Trinity was first inserted into their faith by the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE (about 325 years after Jesus’ ascent to heaven)?
·       What has the Quran said about the doctrine of the Trinity through Jesus’ testifier Muhammad?

Letter10.  Some misunderstood and misinterpreted statements of Jesus

·       What are those statements of Jesus that might confuse his followers and make them worship him as God or along with God by ignoring the crystal clear message of the first commandment?
·       Did not Jesus tell his people repeatedly that he was but a servant of God, and he said or did nothing but by the will or the command of God?
·        What has the Quran said in general about the deviation of the people from the easy and straight path of God to the invented path of men?

Letter11.  Jesus Never Said or Did Anything but by the Command of God

·       Can any evangelist explain how God and Jesus be regarded as one and the same in those verses of Math (5:48; 11:25; 19:17; 27:46); Mark (3:35; 10:27; 11:22; 12:29-30); Luke (4:8) and John (8:42 ; 17:3, 20:17)?
·       Why Jesus’ miraculous birth and the miracles he performed could not make him God or His equal?
·       How does the episode of the fig tree make Jesus’ human status distinctly clear from the unattainable status of God?

Letter12.  Our “Only Way to Heaven” as Described in the Bible and the Quran

·       Did God say anywhere in the Bible or in the Quran that Adam was responsible for the sin of mankind?
·       Did not the Bible and the Quran tell us repeatedly that man was responsible for his own deeds and no one would bear the burden of others?
·       What does a man truly require for the remission of his sin? What does the Bible and the Quran say about it?
·       What has God said about our only way to heaven in both our Holy Scriptures-the Bible and the Quran?
·       Does the Gospel bear any acceptable evidence in support of Jesus’ atonement or his resurrection, which his followers are required to believe for the remission of their sin and for their eternal life in heaven?

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